Stepping into the threshold of higher education, the University of Virginia (UVA) represents an extraordinary institution that values academic prowess and the mosaic of perspectives that make up its community. As a college aspirant or essay writer preparing for the...
In a trend that isn’t going away, Northwestern (like most other private schools) has changed their essays. I quite like the “Why Northwestern” prompt. But change is good? I guess. So let’s dive in. The following question is required for all...
The Seattle Times just published my perspective on the college admissions essay, post-COVID and SCOTUS obliterating affirmative action in admissions. Here it is:
This year Boston College changed their essay prompts. I’m going to be honest, I have never loved their essays. They weren’t inspiring, and applicants struggled to find answers for many of the prompts. But (thanks, BC!) this year they changed them enough to...