Prompt 1: Write a short thank-you note to someone you have not yet thanked and would like to acknowledge. (We encourage you to share this note with that person, if possible, and reflect on the experience!) (150-200 words)
Be clever here. Choose someone wisely. Please, not your mom or best friend either. Could be someone you know fleetingly, a security guard, a cashier you regularly see. Thank them for their impact, and articulate what that is.
Prompt 2: Considering the specific undergraduate school you have selected, describe how you intend to explore your academic and intellectual interests at the University of Pennsylvania. For students applying to the coordinated dual-degree and specialized programs, please answer these questions in regard to your single-degree school choice; your interest in the coordinated dual-degree or specialized program may be addressed through the program-specific essay. (150-200 words)
Why Penn basically. Again, be specific. Choose a few salient reasons and go into detail why. Whom do you admire there. What class are you excited to take. Things like that.
Prompt 3: How will you explore the community at Penn? Consider how this community will help shape your perspective and identity, and how your identity and perspective will help shape this community. (150-200 words)
Who are you outside there classroom? This is where you show them. What aspects of Penn will you enjoy, learn from, and bring a perspective to. Even if it’s just one thing, make them believe you can’t live without doing this on the Penn campus.